Loving greetings from yoga vidya


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Loving Greetings from Haus Yoga Vidya

We invite you to stay in a peaceful environment where you can gain new insights, access to your intuition, and rediscover your inner resources of happiness. At Haus Yoga Vidya, the daily programme of yoga postures, breathing exercises, deep relaxation, chanting, meditation and vegetarian meals is designed to have an optimal effect on your body, mind and spirit.

Enjoy the rejuvenating tranquillity and closeness to Mother Nature as you replenish your energy and relax completely. In addition to lectures and workshops, there are two meditation sessions and two yoga exercise classes offered daily.

Haus Yoga Vidya also offers many leisure activities such as cycling (Bicycles can be hired from the nearby "Havergoh" guesthouse for a fee. They also offer guided tours.), hiking in the adjoining forests and valleys, excursions that you can take to a variety of local points of interest. You are very welcome at Yoga Vidya throughout the year.

We are always happy to receive your suggestions, comments and registrations.

Please send them to: info(at)yoga-vidya.de

Seminars by Month:

July 2024

Asana classes and guided meditations are usually in German. If you need translation for asana classes, please let us know when you register.

Yoga Nidra Advanced - Yoga Teachers’ Training

Date:Jul 28 - Aug 4 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Yoga Nidra Advanced - Yoga Teachers’ Training
Instructor:Dr. Nalini Sahay

In this seminar, you will learn to bring yourself to a deep state of relaxation and meditation – and how to bring your mind out of this state gradually and effectively. You will practice Nyasa, Pratyahara and Chidakasha Dharana, which facilitate an internalization of the mind. The end result is a highly developed state of awareness and relaxation.

Yoga Nidra is one of Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s major contributions to modern-day spiritual life. He derived the practice from the Tantras, where it is defined as psychic and dynamic sleep. It is a method of relaxing by creating one-pointedness of mind. The seminar leader, Dr. Nalini Sahay, trained with Swamiji at the Bihar School of yoga.

Yoga teachers will learn to give detailed explanations of Yoga Nidra, ensuring that they are clear in their comprehension of the subject. With practice, participants will learn to be completely aware and effortlessly relaxed.

Course content:

  • How to remain aware
  • What is Nyasa? How is it applied in Yoga Nidra?
  • How pratyahara is practiced in Yoga Nidra. Antar Mouna will be taught
  • How to become focused and remain energized
  • How to experience complete relaxation
  • Practices of chidakasha dharana
  • Detailed practices of visualisation, including:
    • Psychic centre visualization
    • Psychic symbol visualization
    • Eyebrow centre/Om visualization
    • Asana Visualization
    • Rapid image visualisation
    • Aura visualization
    • Golden egg visualization
    • Story visualisation

Prerequisite: Yoga Teachers’ Training + 7-day Yoga Nidra 1 course


Shared room € 671; double room € 808; single room € 950; dormitory/tent/caravan € 561


Yoga holiday week – Bhakti, Homa and Puja with Swami Nivedanananda

Date:Jul 28 - Aug 2 2024
Title:Yoga holiday week – Bhakti, Homa and Puja with Swami Nivedanananda
Instructor:Swami Nivedanananda

Swami Nivedanananda will be our guest this week. Every day he will perform Indian rituals and recite powerful Vedic mantras. You get a deep insight into Indian Bhakti Yoga and in the diversity of Indian rituals. You will have the opportunity to experience these events with an authentic Swami and master. You can personally experience how inspiring the presence of an Indian master can be! All this in conjunction with a variety of yoga classes, lectures and relaxation exercises.

Shared room € 384; double room € 499; single room € 604; tent/caravan € 308


Yoga Nidra meets Meditation

Date:Jul 28 - Aug 2 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Yoga Nidra meets Meditation
Instructor:Swami Yatidharmananda

First relax completely, then meditate deeply. Swami Yatidharmananda from India guides you into deep relaxation at the beginning with Yoga Nidra. You can detach yourself
from everyday life in order to turn completely to the divine in the subsequent guided meditations.

After the meditation, there will be space for questions and discussion.

Swami Yathidarmananda's own depth, energy and enthusiasm can rekindle your inner spiritual fire, stabilise and deepen your meditation practice and expand your intuition.


Shared room € 457; double room € 556; single room € 658; tent/caravan € 378


Prana Yoga and Psychic Healing

Date:Jul 28 - Aug 2 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Prana Yoga and Psychic Healing
Instructor:Swami Bodhichitananda

Prana, often referred to as life energy or vital force, is the key to gaining control of the mind, bringing health and vitality to the body. Pranayama is the practice of life force control, prana, in the Yoga System. There are two types of Pranayama, Hatha Yoga Pranayama and Raja Yoga Pranayama; Hatha Yoga being the physical manipulation of breath to bring the prana into the central channel of the spine, while Raja Yoga uses our own awareness, directing our Consciousness along the Psychic channels in the body. In other words, we use awareness to direct our prana at will. This brings greater prana into the system, energizing us with greater life force, greatly calms the mind for concentration and meditation, and can also be used for directing self-healing to various parts of the body.

By energizing our pranic body with greater amounts of life energy, we can also direct it to others for their healing of body and mind. This is the key to psychic healing of oneself and others. Swamiji will guide participants in theory and practice of the most subtle and direct forms of Raja Yoga pranayama, as well as the basics of Hatha Yoga pranayama.

"By control of prana, the mind can be easily controlled, because the mind is fastened to the prana, like the bird to the string. Just as the bird that is tied to a post by a string, after flying here and there, finds its resting place in the post, so also this mind-bird after running hither and thither, in various sensual objects, finds its resting place during deep sleep in prana." -Swami Sivananda-

Shared room € 484; double room € 583; single room € 685; dormitory/tent/caravan € 406


Law of attraction

Date:Jul 28 - Aug 2 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Law of attraction
Instructor:Chitra Sukhu

"The universe is constantly listening to your thoughts and answers… every moment of every day you are in a dialogue with life... Look at your life and you will know your thoughts… life is your thoughts solidified..." - Chitra Sukhu

You are conditioned to experience the world with your physical senses, but the subtle senses are needed for the inner journey. Using the outer world as our laboratory, we will experiment with awareness. The link between the inner reality and its outer manifestation. There will be practical exercises to affect change. 

We’ll explore the Law of Attraction and how to manipulate energy through meditation and mantras, and how to speak the language of the universe.
Set your intention for this workshop and join us to make your dream the reality.

Shared room € 457; double room € 556; single room € 658; dormitory/tent/caravan € 378


Yoga Therapy Training: 4-Week Intensive

Date:Jul 28 - Aug 25 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Yoga Therapy Training: 4-Week Intensive
Instructor:Acharya Harilalji

This advanced course is designed for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of yoga and yoga therapy. Students will learn the basic concepts of Panchakosha Tattwa (the five sheaths of life), aadhi (stress), vyadhi (disease), and aadhija vyadhi (psychosomatic ailment).

They will be introduced to the techniques used in Yoga Therapy and Yogic Physiotherapy: breathing movements, asanas, pranayamas, shat kriyas (cleansing exercises), cyclic relaxation, prana channeling, and various meditation techniques. Yoga therapy works on many levels to erase psychosomatic ailments and alleviate such diseases as asthma and allergy, back pain, knee pain, headache and migraine, arthritis, anxiety and depression, and muscular dystrophy. 

After consultation with the patient, the therapist recommends and teaches various techniques. The patient then practices on his/her own until the illness is controlled or cured. Yoga Vasishta, Taitariya Upanishad, Prasna Upanishad, Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, and Bhagavad Gita are among the traditional texts that provide the theory, as well as the practices, used in Yoga Therapy. 

This course places emphasis on experiencing the wisdom of yoga, rather than merely acquiring information. 

Shared room € 2.815; double room € 3.358; single room € 3.922; dormitory/tent/caravan € 2.385


Yoga for hands and eyes

Date:Jul 28 - Aug 2 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Yoga for hands and eyes
Instructor:Swami Saradananda

In this seminar you will work with Swami Saradananda on the two most expressive parts of your body. You will learn to pay attention to the needs of your hands and eyes, which are too often overworked in everyday life. You will learn techniques to reduce strain and increase flexibility. This seminar is helpful for anyone who works at a desk and/or uses a computer. It promises to be unique in both its practical and theoretical approach.

Shared room € 457; double room € 556; single room € 658; dormitory/tent/caravan € 378


Learning Harmonium and Kirtan in classical Indian Style

Date:Jul 28 - Aug 02 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Learning Harmonium and Kirtan in classical Indian Style
Instructor:Ram Vakkalanka

This is a great seminar for those who want to learn Kirtan and Mantra Chanting in classical Indian style using the Harmonium. Knowledge of the fundamentals of music would be an asset but not a must for the participants. You will learn how to play Harmonium, sing some mantras and chants in classical Indian style using Ragas and how to improvise in the Raga tradition. Sanskrit will be served on the side as necessary. You are welcome to bring any musical instrument(s) you are familiar with.

Shared room € 457; double room € 556; single room € 658; dormitory/tent/caravan € 378


August 2024

Asana classes and guided meditations are usually in German. If you need translation for asana classes, please let us know when you register.

Shadow Work in the Light of Yoga with Swami Bodhichitananda

Date:Aug 2-4 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Shadow Work in the Light of Yoga with Swami Bodhichitananda
Instructor:Swami Bodhichitananda

A good understanding of our "shadows" and how to use the appropriate tools to work on them towards a more positive and healthy life is the requirement for shadow work.
You will learn to shed more light on your shadows through practices such as voice dialogue, experience of self-perspectives, special pranayama techniques and more.

Swami Bodhichitananda teaches the right understanding of the mind and psychological development from the beginning. Some practices such as Voice Dialogue with different sub personalities that often block our experience of our greater sense of self, the 3-2-1 exercise to experience different self -perspectives, keeping a diary for self/Self exploration and Pranayama practices specifically designed to clear blockages in the energy/Prana channels and chakras bringing a greater sense of health and wellbeing.

Shared room € 226; double room € 266; single room € 306; dormitory/tent/caravan € 195


Chakra Teachers’ Training

Date:Aug 2-9 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Chakra Teachers’ Training
Instructor:Swami Saradananda

Introduce your students to the concept of chakras and how they relate to yoga practice, as you deepen your own understanding. This seminar will look at the functions and reciprocal influences of the chakras on each other and on the unconscious and conscious minds. As an advanced training for yoga teachers, it is unique in its practical as well as its theoretical approach to this much talked about topic.

Adapt your yoga practice to move energy upward to higher consciousness. Access the equally important “step-down” work of these swirling vortexes of subtle energy. This seminar looks at ways that you and your students can use the chakras to manifest your ideas and dreams into a more creative embodiment. Swami Saradananda is recognized as an international authority on Chakras.

Her books include:

  • “Chakra Meditation”
  • “The Essential Guide to Chakras”
  • “The Power of Breath”

Participation requirements: completed yoga teacher training (Yoga Vidya or SYVC training; others on request).


Shared room € 758; double room € 896; single room €1.033; dormitory/tent/caravan € 652


Sound-Meditation – the healing sounds of the Sitar

Date:Aug 2-4 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Sound meditation - the healing sounds of the sitar
Instructor:Ram Vakkalanka

The healing sounds of the sitar, played by Ram Vakkalanka, will bring your meditation practice to a deeper level. You will learn different meditation techniques together with mantras and mudras. Music is a source of healing, especially for the nervous system; it increases energy and is also a way to progress in spiritual life. Ram will introduce you to the differences of sattva, rajas and tamas in music and the effects of Indian ragas on the body, mind and soul.

Shared room € 210; double room € 253; single room € 293; dormitory/tent/caravan € 181


Holiday week with Swami Yatidharmananda

Date:Aug 4-9 2024
Title:Holiday week with Swami Yatidharmananda
Instructor:Swami Yatidharmananda

Swami Yatidharmananda will be our guest this week. You will have the opportunity to experience an authentic Swami and master. You can personally experience how inspiring the presence of an Indian master can be! All this in conjunction with a variety of yoga classes, lectures and relaxation exercises.

Shared room € 384; double room € 499; single room €604; tent/caravan: € 308 


Clairvoyance Training Course

Date:Aug 4-9 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Clairvoyance Training Course
Instructor:Chitra Sukhu

Learn techniques to develop your sixth sense. Everyone has the ability to be psychic. In this course you will learn techniques to develop your psychic senses. You can use this ability for your own personal development and also to help your students and clients. This will be a fun, practical, experiential workshop. Some topics we will explore and experiment with:


• Using the platform of the Yamas and Niyamas of Raja Yoga as the foundation for psychic development.

• Learning and practicing exercises to strengthen the aura, essential for all psychic work.

• Clairvoyance: internal visualization exercises and techniques to develop the psychic sight.

• Chakras: what are they, how to see, feel and balance them.

• Automatic Writing: to tap into our higher self, communicate with our spirit guides; ask questions and receive answers.

• Auras: developing clairvoyance to see, interpret and balance them.

• Intuitive Practice: using tools, we’ll practice with others to develop and strengthen our intuitive abilities.

• Pendulum: learn to use the pendulum for easy answers to practical questions about life, health, partnership, jobs and decisions.

What to bring:

• journal

• pendulum

• picture of someone you would like to send love and healing to

• open-mindedness towards yoga and spirituality along with a desire to explore new areas of yourself

Shared room € 563; double room € 660; single room € 760; dormitory/tent/caravan € 485


Theme Week: Indian Rituals and Recitations with Swami Nivedanananda

Date:Aug 4-11 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Theme Week: Indian Rituals and Recitations with Swami Nivedanananda
Instructor:Swami Nivedanananda

Swami Nivedanananda will be our guest this week. Every day he will perform Indian rituals and recite powerful Vedic mantras. You will have the opportunity to experience these event and tune to the inspiring presence of an Indian master.

In addition, you can participate in daily yoga classes, meditation, guided walks, recitations, drawing of mandalas and much more. You can register for the entire week or only for a few days as an individual guest, booking your room only but having the option of attending talks and classes.

  • Monday-Friday (rate per day): Shared room € 62; double room € 81,50; single room € 102; dormitory/tent/caravan € 46
  • Weekend (Fri-Sun, 2 nights): Shared room € 139; double room € 179; single room € 222; dormitory/tent/caravan € 109

Please register as an individual guest, indicating the number of days you wish to stay and which type of room you prefer. Email for registration: rezeption(at)yoga-vidya.de


Prices for the whole week: Shared room € 449; double room € 585; single room € 730; dormitory/tent/caravan € 339


Kriya Yoga Intensive

Date:Aug 4-9 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Kriya Yoga Intensive
Instructor:Dr. Nalini Sahay

If you have been practicing asanas, pranayamas, mudras and bandhas regularly for two years or more, you may be ready to learn Kriya Yoga. These twenty powerful practices constitute a conflict-free, non-confrontational set of exercises for awakening your inner power. Kriya Yoga techniques enable you to open the chakras, purify the nadis, and awaken Kundalini Shakti.

After completing this course, it is suggested that you continue with the practice for thirty minutes daily, in the manner specified. The various practices harmonize the pranic forces within your body. They help you to attain bliss, peace, and stillness. Vipareeta karani, mudra amrit pan, mudras and bandhas regulate your system. The degenerative process is reversed as the sahasrara chakra is stimulated. This improves the functioning of all bodily organs, systems, mind and emotions.

Traditionally, these techniques were never taught publicly, but were communicated verbally from guru to disciple. Paramahamsa Swami Satyanandaji first taught these kriyas in the early 1960s because he felt that Kriya Yoga fulfils the needs of spiritual enlightenment in this millennium. Dr. Sahay is a direct disciple of Swami Satyanandaji, carrying on his teachings.

Shared room € 484; double room € 583; single room € 685; dormitory/tent/caravan € 406


Sound relaxation and meditation accompanied by sitar

Date:Aug 4-9 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Sound relaxation and meditation accompanied by sitar
Instructor:Ram Vakkalanka

The sounds of the sitar accompany you in you deep relaxation and meditation. In this way you can solve blockages, reduce stress und refill your strength. You will also get information on ragas, the structure of classic indian music, and Mantras and Mudras. Experience an indian master of the sitar and let yourself be touched and inspired by his friendly and loving charisma.

Shared room € 457; double room € 556; single room € 658; dormitory/tent/caravan € 378


Yoga, Spirit and Nature

Date:Aug 9-11 2024
Title:Yoga, Spirit and Nature
Instructor:Swami Bodhichitananda

How can we bring our lives back into harmony with nature and our own true Self? In this seminar, we will explore our relationship with outer nature and our own inner nature. We will spend as much time as possible outdoors, practicing yoga and meditation. Our practice will include various meditations on nature, these were discovered by forest yogis.

We will also explore the newly emerging field of religious and spiritual naturalism and evolutionary cosmology of such modern spiritual pioneers as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry, Michael Dowd and the Integral Movement. Updating our views to fit into the new comprehensive worldview of Reality, we will attempt to gain a greater understanding of our place within the Universe. Only by doing this can we truly find Peace, not only for ourselves, but also for humanity and all of Earth’s inhabitants.

Shared room € 210; double room € 260; single room € 301; tent/caravan € 181


Mudra Teachers’ Training

Date:Aug 9-16 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Mudra Teachers’ Training 
Instructor:Swami Saradananda

You will learn to introduce your students to the practice of mudras and integrate them into a regular practice. Deepen your own understanding of these powerful gestures to direct psychic energy through the hands into specific channels of the subtle body for meditation and self-healing. This week-long training will look at the functions and benefits of hand positions that enable you to seal psychic energies into specific channels within your subtle body. Mudras are potent spiritual tools that can enhance the purification and good health of your physical, mental and psychic being. With regular practice, mudras help to restore balance within the microcosm and bring it into harmony with the macrocosm. As an advanced training for yoga teachers, this seminar is unique in its practical as well as theoretical approach to this much talked-about topic.

In this seminar, Swami Saradananda will inspire you to want to learn more about mudras and to encourage you to practise them. She is recognized as an international authority on Mudras and is the author of the popular book “Mudras for Modern Life”.

Topics to be covered include:

• What are mudras and how do they work

• Directing the flow of prana through the use of hand gestures

• Integrating mudras with chakras, meditation and breath work

• Using mudras to enhance the flow of psychic energy

• Mudras for physical health and well-being

• Integrating the practice of mudras into your daily life


Shared room € 758; double room € 896; single room € 1.033; dormitory/tent/caravan € 652


Advanced Yoga Teachers’ Training – Yoga Nidra for Children

Date:Aug 9- 11 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Advanced Yoga Teachers’ Training – Yoga Nidra for Children
Instructor:Dr. Nalini Sahay

You will learn relaxation techniques specially adapted to the needs of children, enabling them to face the challenges of their lives with a positive attitude and spiritual strength.
Children today are often stressed, they sometimes cannot express themselves and we do not recognise the causes of their behaviour. They can be affected by traumatic experiences, nightmares, aggression, anger, anxiety, fear, bed-wetting to illness and pain - to name a few. Yoga Nidra can be used from the age of 5 and can also be taught in a group.

Participation requirements: Yoga teacher training/training minimum 120h or started yoga teacher training min. 200h teaching units or Yoga Vidya practice/course leader min. 108 teaching units as well as participation in a Yoga Nidra seminarPart 1.

Shared room € 210; double room € 253; single room € 293; dormitory/tent/caravan € 181


Kriya Yoga Intensive

Date:Aug 11-16 2024
Title:Kriya Yoga Intensive
Instructor:Swami Bodhichitananda

This is an introduction to Kriya Yoga, the “meditation practice of a higher era”, revived by the deathless Himalayan Yogi Babaji. Experience for yourself the theory, tradition and practice of Kriya Yoga.

Swami Bodhichtitananda will teach the basic techniques:

  • Meditation based on breathing and the practice of Hamsa 
  • Anahata Shabdha: the power of OM and sound in meditation 
  • Spinal Breathing meditation for purifying and releasing psychic blockages, gaining control over your life force, and developing deeper concentration. 
  • Complementary asana classes
  • Kriya Yoga Initiation: this will be offered on the last day for those who have participated fully in the seminar, felt a real connection with the practice and are ready to continue with a daily practice of the techniques.

Swami Bodhichitananda will introduce you to the ancient and original Kriya Yoga tradition of Mahavatar Babaji, the deathless Yogi legend who has wandered the Himalayas for ages, and in modern times reintroduced the lost science Kriya Yoga for a new age of emerging higher consciousness.

Kriya Yoga is considered one of the easiest and fastest ways to gain control of the mind and prana, to develop strong concentration, peace of mind, and a great sense of “coming home” to one’s own self. Swamiji will give all the Yogic and Meditation practices necessary to begin a steady meditation practice, and preparation for initiation into Kriya Yoga as well as the Energization Exercises, a set of 39 Exercises developed by Paramahansa Yogananda for gaining control of the Prana(Life Energy), being able to direct it at will to various body parts for healing and revitalization, and gaining control of the restless mind.

Swami Bodhichitananda Saraswati is authorized as a Kriya Yoga Acharya in the lineage of Paramahamsa Yogananda by H.H. Swami Jnanananda Giri, a great Kriya Yoga Master of the Himalayas, and with blessings of H.H. Swami Chidananda, successor to Swami Sivananda.

Shared room € 457; double room € 572; single room € 676; tent/caravan € 378


Theme Week: Indian Rituals and Recitations with Swami Nivedanananda

Date:Aug 18-23 2024
Title:Theme Week: Indian Rituals and Recitations with Swami Nivedanananda
Instructor:Swami Nivedanananda

Swami Nivedanananda will be our guest this week. Every day he will perform Indian rituals and recite powerful Vedic mantras. You will have the opportunity to experience these event and tune to the inspiring presence of an Indian master.

In addition, you can participate in daily yoga classes, meditation, guided walks, recitations, drawing of mandalas and much more. You can register for the entire week or only for a few days as an individual guest, booking your room only but having the option of attending talks and classes.

  • Monday-Friday (rate per day): Shared room € 73; double room € 95; single room € 119
  • Weekend (Fri-Sun, 2 nights): Shared room € 167; double room € 209; single room € 257

Please register as an individual guest, indicating the number of days you wish to stay and which type of room you prefer. Email for registration: rezeption(at)yoga-vidya.de


Prices for the whole week: Shared room € 365; double room € 475; single room € 595


Kundalini, Tantra & Yantra

Date:Aug 18-23 2024
Title:Kundalini, Tantra & Yantra
Instructor:Swami Bodhichitananda

Awakening the power of kundalini is the secret key to higher Yoga, increased energy, greater life fulfilment and spiritual enlightenment. We will learn both the theoretical and practical aspects of kundalini, the Pranic channels (nadis), how to awaken and stabilize higher centers of thought and feeling, the chakras and yantras, and how to visualize and meditate upon them to remove karma & emotional blocks.

Understanding and meditating upon Sri Yantra, the highest of all yantras is the secret to awakening Shakti. By raising Kundalini Shakti (Devi) at the base of the spine through the chakras to join Shiva at the crown of the head, Sahasrara Chakra, you will balance the masculine and feminine aspects of being, bring greater energy and balance to your Yoga practice and to your life.

Shared room € 457; double room € 572; single room € 6676; tent/caravan € 378


Advanced Yoga Teachers’ Training Intensive I – Shiva Samhita

Date:Aug 18-27 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Advanced Yoga Teachers’ Training Intensive I – Shiva Samhita 
Instructor:Swami Saradananda, Kay Cantu

The Shiva Samhita – together with the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gheranda Samhita – is one of the three major traditional classical hatha yoga texts. With her knowledge and decades of personal experience Swami Saradananda, in her clear and precise teaching style, will guide you through this often neglected yet important text. This is an especially attractive course for  yoga teachers who want to give their teaching and their own practice a new spiritual dimension and depth.

As in all hatha yoga scriptures, the regular practice of asanas, pranayama, mudras, bandhas, kriyas and meditation is advocated to lead you to higher knowledge and greater inner experience. Swami Saradananda will give you special introductions to chakra meditations, as well as special energy- and breathing techniques. She is the author of several books on these topics and she has been teaching yoga for almost forty years.

Hatha yoga and teaching techniques:

  • Structuring of hours
  • Better communication with participants
  • Yoga for Advanced students
  • Energetic effects of asanas, pranayama and other subtile aspects
  • Dealing with Kundalini experience, energy experience and expansion of consciousness
  • Guided chakra meditations
  • Deepening your chakra work and its application in asana classes

Required Book: Shiva Samhita

Participation requirement: Yoga teacher training/training min. 120h or started yoga teacher training min. 200 teaching units or Yoga Vidya practice/course leader min. 108 teaching units.

Shared room € 831; double room € 1.006; single room € 1.185; dormitory/tent/caravan € 690


Asana Intensive with Narayani

Date:Aug 25-30 2024
Title:Asana Intensive with Narayani

Work intensively on your asanas and be inspired by lectures and meditation. Narayani is the co-author of the book "Yoga". Her way of teaching is magical; she will guide you in a playful manner. You will find yourself doing the most difficult variations and be amazed at how much is possible. As a result of her long and intensive asana practice and more than 30 years of teaching experience, Narayani can give you excellent advice. Her calm and joyful personality is always an inspiration! This program includes little theory and longer asana classes.

Shared room € 563; double room € 675; single room € 774; tent/caravan € 488


September 2024

Asana classes and guided meditations are usually in German. If you need translation for asana classes, please let us know when you register.

Theme Week: Indian Rituals and Recitations with Swami Nivedanananda

Date:Sep 1-8 2024
Title:Theme Week: Indian Rituals and Recitations with Swami Nivedanananda
Instructor:Swami Nivedanananda

Swami Nivedanananda will be our guest this week. Every day he will perform Indian rituals and recite powerful Vedic mantras. You will have the opportunity to experience these event and tune to the inspiring presence of an Indian master.

In addition, you can participate in daily yoga classes, meditation, guided walks, recitations, drawing of mandalas and much more. You can register for the entire week or only for a few days as an individual guest, booking your room only but having the option of attending talks and classes.

  • Monday-Friday (rate per day): Shared room € 64; double room € 84; single room € 104; dormitory/tent/caravan € 47
  • Weekend (Fri-Sun, 2 nights): Shared room € 143; double room € 184; single room € 228; dormitory/tent/caravan € 112

Please register as an individual guest, indicating the number of days you wish to stay and which type of room you prefer. Email for registration: rezeption(at)yoga-vidya.de


Prices for the whole week: Shared room € 463; double room € 604; single room € 748; dormitory/tent/caravan € 347


Meditation Retreat with Swami Saradananda

Date:Sep 1-6 2024
Title:Meditation retreat with Swami Saradananda
Instructor:Swami Saradananda

This is a unique opportunity to explore new spiritual depths and enjoy the satsang of an internationally renowned teacher of yoga and meditation. Remove yourself from your everyday life; immerse yourself in the spiritual energy of meditation. Dive deep into your practice; gain new inspiration and insights.

Swami Saradananda is an inspiring teacher who will help you to deepen and refine your practice. Her extended meditations, combined with daily periods of silence, will lead you to an integral experience and a heightened state of awareness.

Shared room € 528; double room € 638; single room € 752


Ayurveda Marma Massage Training

Date:Sep 1-8 2024
Title:Ayurveda Marma Massage Training 
Instructor:Anantharavi Thillainathan

Marmas are centres of the three bio-energies: vata, pitta and kapha, as well as the three basic qualities of Nature: sattva, rajas and tamas. By using soft circular movements on marma points, you can release toxins, compacted energies, and suppressed or blocked emotions. Learn how to use marmas to re-establish the harmonic flow of prana.

In this training, you will learn to locate the marma points and to work on them so that health in the various body organs may be re-established or maintained. Included are recognized elements of Ayurveda therapy training, holistic therapy training and holistic massage therapy training.

Shared room € 758; double room € 938; single room € 1.082; tent/caravan € 652


Movement of Chakras

Date:Sep 1-4 2024
Title:Movement of chakras
Instructor:Nathiba Anantharavi

In this seminar you will learn the anatomy and energy movement of the major and minor chakras in your body and how they are connected to each other. In addition, you will learn how Nadis relate to the chakras and their sound vibrations. The technique of Vasi Yoga from the Siddha tradition awakens subtle energy. The framework of the seminar consists of meditation, satsang and yoga lessons.

Shared room € 273; double room € 341; single room € 407; tent/caravan € 228


Siddha Yoga

Date:Sep 4-6 2024
Title:Siddha Yoga
Instructor:Nathiba Anantharavi

Deepen your yoga practice with the method of the Indian Siddhas. Activate your chakras and 12 main Nadis. Practice Siddha Pranayama combined with Mantra and Bija Mantra techniques to free you from physical and mental suffering. Learn the self massage technique of the Siddhas and harmonize and activate your energy centers.

Shared room € 182; double room € 230; single room € 270; tent/caravan € 152



Date:Sep 6-8 2024
Instructor:Swami Saradananda

Learn to use your hands to direct psychic energy for meditation and self-healing. Mudras are hand positions that enable you to seal psychic energies into specific channels within your subtle body. They are powerful spiritual tools that can enhance the purification and good health of your physical, mental and psychic being. With regular practice, mudras can sharpen and expand your spiritual wisdom. They help to restore balance within the microcosm and bring it into harmony with the macrocosm.

This weekend seminar will introduce you to the basic energetic concepts of working with mudras. It promises to be unique in its practical as well as theoretical approach. You will learn about the subtle energies in the hands and each finger. You will also be encouraged to put this information into practice, using your own hands.

The morning asana classes will focus on hand health and flexibility. This weekend promises to be especially helpful for everyone who does computer work.

Shared room € 253; double room € 299; single room € 343


Siddha Varma (self) Massage

Date:Sep 6-8 2024
Title:Siddha Varma (self) Massage
Instructor:Nathiba Anantharavi

Lerne die ayurvedische Marma Massage kennen. Es gibt insgesamt 108 Marma Punkte, die sich im Verlauf von Kopf bis Fuß befinden. Die Marma Massage dient dazu, die inneren Organe auf eine positive Weise zu stimulieren. Außerdem dient sie dazu, deren positive Gesundheit zu bewahren, zu fördern und Krankheiten vorzubeugen sowie auszukurieren. Erfahre hier noch mehr über die Wirkungen und die Anwendung der Marma Massage.

Shared room € 210; double room € 260; single room € 301; tent/caravan € 181


Kriya Kundalini Yoga with Anantharavi

Date:Sep 8-13 2024
Title:Kriya Kundalini Yoga with Anantharavi
Instructor:Anantharavi Thillainathan





Kriya Kundalini Yoga, combined with mindfulness and concentration, helps to sublimate the energies. Yoga classes with different focuses: Chakra concentration, affirmations, mantra recitation. Kriya Hatha Yoga: 18 postures were compiled by Babaji, the teacher of Paramahamsa Yogananda, from the thousands of postures into a powerful series of exercises to rejuvenate the body and prepare it for the more subtle stages of Kriya Yoga.

Each posture consists of different stages, making them suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. They are constructed in pairs or as counter-postures so that each sequence is followed by a natural relaxation phase. Integrated mudras and bandhas activate the Kundalini energy. Much practice, little theory. Chanting and meditation complement the seminar. Uplifting and energising!

Shared room € 457; double room € 572; single room € 676; tent/caravan € 378


October 2024

Asana classes and guided meditations are usually in German. If you need translation for asana classes, please let us know when you register.

Theme Week: International Week - Celebrating Unity in Diversity

Date:Oct 13-18 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Theme Week: International Week - Celebrating Unity in Diversity
Instructor:international guest teachers from India, USA and other countries

During this theme week, we open the ashram especially for non-German speakers. Alongside our standard German program, we will offer English yoga classes twice a day, as well as English satsang and meditation in the morning and evening. We will also host a number of international guests from India, the USA and other countries, who will give talks on various topics related to yoga and vedanta.

You can stay either for the whole week or just a few days. When registering online, please indicate how many days you would like to stay in the "Additional Comments" field under "Additional Information". Basend on that, the price for your stay will be calculated.

Overnight accommodation including full board, satsang, meditations, yoga classes and lectures etc.:

  • Monday to Friday per day: shared room € 62; double room € 81; single room € 102; dormitory/tent/caravan € 46
  • Weekend (Fri-Sun): shared room € 139; double room € 179; single room € 221; dormitory/tent/caravan € 109

Prices for the entire week:

Shared room € 310; double room € 407; single room € 508; dormitory/tent/caravan € 230


December 2024

Asana classes and guided meditations are usually in German. If you need translation for asana classes, please let us know when you register.

The hidden language of the Asanas

Date:Dec 22-27 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:The hidden language of the Asanas
Instructor:Swami Sukhananda

Take a step beyond Hatha Yoga, listen to your inner intelligence. Use this opportunity to explore meditation in asanas sequences. Experience and deepen your knowledge of the true power and mystical potential of each pose. Use this knowledge to bring quality to your everyday decisions and experiences.

Shared room € 457; double room € 556; single room € 658; dormitory/tent/caravan € 378


Renewing in the light

Date:Dec 27-29 2024
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Renewing in the light
Instructor:Swami Sukhananda

How can you bring light in the dark of winter? The Divine Light Invocation is a powerful meditation for transformation, concentration and healing brought to the west by Swami Sivananda Radha. Whether learning it for the first time or renewing this practice, you can deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you. In this workshop you explore the relaxation techniques, mantras and visualizations that can strengthen your meditation on Light. Use the potential of the Light within to build a bridge to your own inner wisdom.

Shared room € 210; double room € 253; single room € 293; dormitory/tent/caravan € 181


Kundalini Yoga - Steps to Freedom

Date:Dec 29 2024 - Jan 3 2025
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Kundalini Yoga - Steps to Freedom
Instructor:Swami Sukhananda

Kundalini Yoga provides you with a symbolic map of your mind. It shows how the practices of Yoga can help you to connect to your inner wisdom and move forward, whatever the situation might be. Explore that the power of Yoga transforms your life through a process of self-inquiry and meditation practices. Each choice you make, each step you take, can help you to overcome limitations and bring you closer to your potential. Suitable for all levels.

Shared room € 457; double room € 556; single room € 658; dormitory/tent/caravan € 378


January 2025

Asana classes and guided meditations are usually in German. If you need translation for asana classes, please let us know when you register.

Writing your life

Date:Jan 3-5 2025
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Writing your life
Instructor:Swami Sukhananda

Open to your inner voice in this unique class that combines the practices of Yoga with writing. In a Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga process, you will be guided to reflect on how Hatha poses relate to your mind, body and spirit - and your life. Using Mantra and meditation you will explore the power of Saraswati to unlock your creative potential. Your reflections will then be the seeds of inspiration that blossom in writing exercises that reveal how the story of your life can evolve. Suitable for anyone, whether beginner or experienced with yoga and/or writing.

Shared room € 210; double room € 253; single room € 293; dormitory/tent/caravan € 181


April 2025

Asana classes and guided meditations are usually in German. If you need translation for asana classes, please let us know when you register.

Meditations from Vijnana Bhairava Tantra

Date:Apr 11-13 2025
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Meditations from Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
Instructor:Dr. Nalini Sahay

Sri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra is an ancient tantric text in the form of a conversation between Shiva and Parvati on meditation practices. The methods of the 112 techniques discussed expand the awareness and release blocked prana (energy). Vijnana Bhairava Tantra is a book of practices, not of philosophy. The methods are in their seed form and the entire book can be written on one long piece of paper. 

You will be taught these powerful practices in a simple and uncomplicated way, making it possible for you to attain higher level of spiritual development and inner contentment. The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra comes from the Kashmiri Shaivite tradition and forms a part of the Rudrayamala Tantra. Its techniques are all inclusive and the practices are for people of all ages; everyone can find a practice suitable for his or her level.

Shared room € 237

Double room € 279

Single room € 321

Dormitory/tent/caravan € 205


Vedanta Course Training

Date:March 11-18 2025
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Vedanta Course Training
Instructor:Swami Tattvarupananda

Deepen your knowledge of Vedanta and receive the tools to systematically introduce it to students. Do this by listening to Vedanta talks, asking questions, reasoning and giving talks on Vedanta to small groups. You will learn how to structure and run an eight-week Vedanta course. Scriptures tell us that everything is awareness. For many people this is an abstract statement that cannot be translated into everyday life. For thousands of years, Vedanta has been a means of knowledge to realize your true nature and actualize this knowledge in daily life. In this training course the basic teachings of Vedanta will be systematically unfolded. Step by step you learn to understand the basic principles of Vedanta: awareness, isvara and jiva. There will also be two satsangs (meditation and chanting) per day and an asana class. 

Contents and topics

  • Review of the basics of Vedanta: concepts, motivations, qualifications, the Self, isvara, karma yoga, dharma
  • Exemplary talks on Vedanta with questions and answers
  • You will give several talks on Vedanta to small groups, including feedback. By explaining the topics in the lectures and answering questions, you deepen your own understanding of the teachings.
  • Learn to teach a 10-week Vedanta course, build a study group, or present workshops on Vedanta.

The training is right for you if you

  • already have a basic knowledge of traditional Vedanta, as taught by Swami Chinmayananda and Swami Dayananda, as well as students in this tradition such as Chandra Cohen, Swami Tattvarupananda or James Swartz.
  • You see Vedanta as a means of knowledge to understand who you are
  • You want to grow and apply this knowledge in your life
  • You want to deepen and review your knowledge in a group of experienced students of Vedanta
  • You are interested in a systematic and traditional approach to learn Vedanta Texts.

Literature: This training will be based on James Swartz’s book "The Essence of Enlightenment".

Shared room € 796

Double room € 941

Single room € 1.085

Dormitory/tent/caravan € 685


Vegan Indian Cooking with Nalini

Date:Apr 13-16 2025
Location:Bad Meinberg
Title:Vegan Indian Cooking with Nalini
Instructor:Dr. Nalini Sahay

Food not only maintains your body, it also influences your thinking and actions in subtle ways. Yogic cuisine is simple, full of purity and harmony, healthy and delicious. When you are practicing yoga, such nutrition is essential because it balances the flow of energy in mind and body; it provides you with prana, the energy of life. 
Dr. Sahay will share her insights into the yogic teachings on nutrition plus Indian cuisine, which is among the most delicious and varied in the world. 

You will learn: 

  • to plan a balanced meal 
  • the effect of various spices and how to combine them
  • to prepare various dishes with vegetables and legumes: salads, chutneys and desserts. 

You will get valuable advice for everyday cooking, as well as for special occasions and for professional cooking in restaurants and retreat centres. 

Shared room € 344

Double room € 406

Single room € 470

Dormitory/tent/caravan € 296


Conditions of participation

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What is Yoga Vidya?

Yoga Vidya is a non-profit association and Europe's leading provider of education and training in yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, massage, holistic health and spirituality.