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Sukadev Bretz – Founder and spiritual leader of Yoga Vidya with 35 years of yoga and meditation practice. Sukadev really has a gift for passing on profound wisdom with humor. His particular strength is his ability to motivate aspirants and awaken their desire to practice intensely, to find a higher meaning behind everything, and to add warmth and energy to everyday life. He is the 1st Chairman of the BYV (Berufsverband der Yoga Vidya Lehrer/innen) and author of several books.

Instructors in alphabetical order by last name:

Amba Popiel-Hoffmann – Yoga teacher (BYV) with 20 years of active teaching practice. Complementary trainings in NLP, hatha yoga, meditation, pranayama, hormone yoga. Founder and director of the Yoga Vidya Center in Darmstadt, 2nd Chairwoman of the BYV and organizer of this convention.

Anastasia Stoyannides - B.A, is a certified yoga teacher in the technique of Eva Ruchpaul's hatha-yoga "bien tempéré", Paris/France. After years of intensive study of the human body, she finds her spiritual home in the yoga practice of Eva Ruchpaul. Anastasia's approach to hatha-yoga focuses on a profound and honest way of practicing as an inspiration for students and yoga teachers to trust to the beauty of their existence and to unfold towards a refined state of self-reliance and inner silence. Anastasia has been a guest teacher for over 28 years, invited internationally to facilitate seminars with various groups of people throughout the European continent.

Anne-Careen Engel – Freelance artist and yoga, meditation and Nada Yoga teacher. In her seminars, Anne-Careen teaches Nada Yoga combining ancient and new approaches with vocal and sound techniques.

Atmamitra Mack – has been with Yoga Vidya for the last 10 years; he is the vice director of Yoga Vidya Westerwald, a yoga and meditation teacher and was specially trained as a Tao Yoga teacher. He directed a Yoga Vidya Cooperation Center for seven years, he loves and plays classical Indian musical instruments like the vina and the tabla.

Bhajan Noam– Lecturer, author, respiratory therapist, yoga teacher and yoga teacher trainer. He has been working in the field of yoga and alternative healing techniques for the last three decades and has written several spiritual books and countless articles on yoga, meditation, spirituality and alternative treatment methods. Bhajan Noam’s PRANA YOGA was developed on the basis of his intensive exploration of the breath, of prana, yoga and meditation. His method does not stand in opposition to other techniques; it rather broadens and enriches them.

Chandra Mohan Bhandari – Former Ambassador of India in Poland, Lithuania, the UAE, Cambodia, Canada and other countries; he worked for the Indian Foreign Service from 1974 to 2009 and was repeatedly assigned functions within the Ministry of External Affairs and the GoI. He intensively studied the timeless wisdom of Vedic scriptures and now dedicates himself to promoting peace, harmony and friendship through the scientific techniques of yoga and ayurveda. He also promotes eco-friendly and holistic development projects and supports women and young people. He is the author of several books, e.g. “Yoga Shakti” on yoga and ayurveda sciences.

Claudia Bauer – Certified teacher for gymnastics, yoga teacher (BYV) and co-initiator of yogabiz – Yoga Business Partner. She started practicing yoga in 1994 and has been teaching since 2004, giving Business Yoga classes, offering individual coaching, and designing programs for conferences and meetings.

Devapriya Eschler - Holistically oriented relaxation therapist (BYAT), reiki teacher and prana healer. An easy-going practical approach is typical for her teaching style.

Didi Sudesh – Since her early childhood, Didi Sudesh’s ambition has been to follow a spiritual path and serve humanity; in 1974 she helped establish the first branch of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in London. She is currently the Director of the European Centers of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. For over 55 years, in over 85 countries, Didi Sudesh has been an outstanding lecturer, teacher and broadcaster on human development, meditation and the creative abilities of the mind. She demonstrates a lively sense of humour, a generous nature and a youthful desire to learn from every human experience.

Éva Ruchpaul – Painter, author and founder of the first yoga institute in France. She grew up in an academic environment and fell ill with polio in her early childhood. She spent 12 years in Egypt and, at the age of 17, began to look for new energy through hatha yoga and started teaching at the age of 30. In 1965, her book “Hatha yoga, connaissance et technique” was published.  This marked the start of an active period of seminars and lectures in France and abroad. For seven years, she was the president of the Fédération Nationale de Yoga and founded her own institute, where more than 1000 yoga teachers were trained. Several other books and a film on yoga followed. In 1988, Éva also became a well-known painter under the Sanskrit pseudonym Raj Pawl.

Govinda Matthias Roth – Musician, yoga teacher (BYV) and shiatsu therapist. He loves to sing spiritual songs, and accompaniments on the guitar, the drums and the harmonium. In his seminar, he playfully conveys his love for music and rhythm.

Hrdaya Caitanya Prabhu - Became a full-time member of the Hare Krishna Community in Amsterdam in 1980. In Belgium, in 1986, he became temple president and spiritual leader at the Bhakti Yoga community known as Radhadesh. Since 2002, he is a member of the Governing Body Commission (GBC) of ISKCON. Presently, he oversees the activities of the ISKCON centres in Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Spain, France, and Portugal.

José Antonio Elosua Surabhi - Yoga teacher and President of FEYS (Spanish Satsanga Yoga Federation). He is a certified Polarity Therapist and a Reiki Master. He has 23 years of experience in teaching Hatha & Raja Yoga for adults, families, prenatal yoga and yoga for seniors.

Kavita Jeanette Pippon – Experienced teacher trainer for yoga for kids, teens and seniors. Other current projects include yoga flow with music, mantra concerts and the exploration of femininity. Her joyful nature inspires young and old.

Klaus Heitz - Yoga Acharya (Sivananda Yoga Vedanta), Ayurvedic Life-Style Counselor certified by Dr. David Frawley; complementary lessons in Harp and Healing with Uschi Laar; certified Relaxation and Meditation Instructor (BYV).

Lara-Marija Vucemilovic – As an author, teacher and therapist, Lara-Marija focuses on the essence of the modern sciences, with an emphasis on psychology, behavioural medicine, and in particular on the interaction of cognition, emotion and movement, and the knowledge of traditional forms of medicine and of philosophies derived from yoga, ayurveda, TCM and aroma therapy. She studied psychology, sports and religious sciences and sociology at the University of Frankfurt/M. and is the founder of the Integrative Yoga Therapy (AYTM).

Madhana Mohan – is the director of the Associación de Yoga in Vigo (Spain) and has been teaching yoga for 25 years. His seminars are nurtured by his particular liveliness, humour and strength.

Madhavacharya – is the master and founder of the Sanatana Dharma Yoga School in Spain. He is a disciple of Swami Vishnu-devananda. Since 1964, he has dedicated himself to training in the techniques of self-realization and human development and, since 1977, in the teaching and propagation of yoga. His effort has been to merge the old Eastern wisdom with Western knowledge by creating a working system that is fully integrated into modern society and everyday life. He prioritizes a message that is accessible to all and easy to assimilate.

Maik Hofmeister – Has been into spirituality, sound and music for years. As a yoga teacher he shares his experiences through the Method of the 7 Chakras, sound journeys, sound meditations and sound yoga lessons.

Narada Marcel Turnau – Director of the Yoga Vidya Ashram Westerwald. As an experienced yoga teacher and teacher trainer, Narada radiates the joy of teaching yoga and passing on his profound knowledge.

Narendra Hübner – Has practiced yoga since the age of 16. He graduated from the Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Course and since 1992 taught yoga courses, seminars and teacher trainings. Formerly he worked as a ballet instructor and dancer and studied musicology. These facts enrich his teachings in a unique way.

Nepal Lodh – Indian Yoga Master and President of the Deutsch-Indische Hindu-Gesellschaft Bremen, e.V. He has a degree in social sciences and is a professorial lecturer and author. As a yoga therapist, he practices in a psychiatric clinic and gives lectures at the Volkshochschule. He is specialized in development of the personality, Indian art of healing and intercultural communication.

Oleg Nikulin - Mathematician and historian. Oleg began studying yoga systems (philosophy and practice) in 1993 and began teaching in 2000. A significant part of his practice was based upon the tradition of the Bihar yoga schools, the multi-level class system being a main specialization – as well as the practice of dharana, dhyana and meditation techniques. Oleg has also studied yoga and Jyotish (astrology) at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan School. He is now the Chairman of the Saratov Regional Department of the Russian Yoga Federation.

Pranava Heinz Pauly – Yoga Vidya Acharya for yoga and yoga therapy; yoga, relaxation and sound therapist. Pranava has a master degree in education, German literature and philosophy and has a long experience in adult education. He is a staff member of the yoga therapy team in Bad Meinberg.

Radharani Priya Dijana Dedovic – Sports and health teacher, yoga teacher and Ayurveda Health Adviser. Radharani had complementary trainings in psychology and coaching, systematic transaction analysis (Eric Berne) and ho’oponopono. She has been working as a personal trainer and as an adviser for holistic health prevention for many years.

Rita Haaf – Yoga teacher (Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, Spain) since 1985.   In 1987, she began teaching Raja Yoga with great enthusiasm at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. It is her sincere desire to make people aware of their true identity and to bring them into contact with their eternal qualities of peace, love, happiness, wisdom and spiritual power.

Saraswati Aranka Keserű – One of the leading teachers of the Sivananda Yoga Center in Budapest, Director  of the Hungarian  Yoga Teachers Association, Co-founder of the Shanti Yoga Island. Saraswati discovered yoga in 2006 and it was clear to her that she had been looking for this her whole life and that it was important to share it with people. Yoga is an art which  leads us to our real Self. Committing herself to the teachings of Swami Sivananda, her most important wish is to help everyone in need to find their inner peace.

Satyadevi Bretz – Besides her work as a masseuse, medical attendant, Ayurveda therapist, and yoga teacher, Satyadevi is very much bound to nature. Her issues are mainly the connection with the feminine power of mother earth and mother nature.

Shakti Lehner – is a yoga teacher (BYV) and Yoga Acharya (SYVC), graduate biologist and alternative practitioner (naturopath). In 2003, she launched the Yoga Vidya Center Speyer together with her husband. Shakti has been practicing yoga for 19 years, is an experienced teacher and has trained yoga teachers in Germany, India and the USA. Her intensive trainings in ayurveda, yoga nidra, hormone yoga, yoga therapy, meditation and yoga philosophy as well as her spiritual coaching are characterized by a clear and direct approach which is suitable for everyday life.

Shanmug Westley Eckhardt - Director and yoga teacher trainer of the Sananda Yoga Center Madrid, co-founder of the Spanish Yoga Teacher Association A.I.P.Y.S. He is a qualified psychologist and a direct disciple of Swami Vishnu-devananda. For seventeen years, he directed the SYVC yoga ashram in Canada and in the Bahamas. During his 30 years of yoga practice, he has trained thousands of students.

Shivakami Bretz – Yoga Vidya Acharya, yoga teacher trainer since 1993, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, trained in hypnosis and Gestalt therapy, director of the Yoga Vidya Allgäu Ashram and of the Yoga Vidya Psychological Yoga Therapy. She completed her studies at renowned schools in both Germany and Florida.

Shivapriya Angela Große-Lohmann – Yoga Teacher (BYV), Teacher and Lecturer. For years she has been concerned with the place of women in society. Her own intensive Yoga practice with a focus on Hormone Yoga, long-time seminar experience.

Simone Ernst – Entrepreneur leading her company in line with the motto "success through appreciation". She has been practicing Raja Yoga for many years.

Subash Jeewantha Geeganage – whose roots are in Sri Lanka - is a qualified physiotherapist and medical massage therapist, founder and teacher of, and therapist for, Integrative Yoga Therapy (AYTM), Ayurveda Chef/Cook (ALISH); a keen percussionist; he loves to share magical moments in which body and soul are able to feel the rhythm of life again. The teachings of ayurveda, of buddhism and music have always inspired his own path of life.

Sundaram Geier – Few musicians are able to reveal the beauty and dedication of mantras in such a persuading way. Sundaram’s voice is incredibly pure and so sincere that it opens your heart. When you hear him sing the mantras, you will know the sound of true devotion. Sundaram has recorded and released several mantra CDs.

Swami Amrta Súryánanda – Jagat Guru is President of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation, and the Yoga Iberian Confederation, and is the Founder and honorary President of the Yoga Sámkhya Institute. He is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the Council for Yoga Accreditation, International – CYAI, having initiated his Yoga practice about 42 years ago. In January, 2014 he was granted the Honorific DLitt Degree by the S-VYASA University – Bengaluru, India, and received the Matsyendranathá Award by the Ujjein Yoga Life Society – Ujjein, India. In 2001, he proposed to the United Nations and to UNESCO the Creation of a World Yoga Day (WYD) to be celebrated on the Summer Solstice, June 21st. 

Swami Yadunandana - Principal of Bhaktivedanta College (Durbuy, Belgium),  Rector of the Instituto de Estudios Bhaktivedanta (Spain), teacher and spiritual counselor — is a sannyasi monk of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) with more than 35 years of experience in studying, practicing and teaching Bhakti Yoga, yoga philosophy and Vedantic wisdom. He also has many additional degrees and years of experience in leading spiritual communities, in inter-religious dialogue and yoga conferences.

Svamini Chandra Devi – Vice President of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation and Ministrant.

Swami Nirgunananda – Yoga Vidya Acharya, meditation teacher (BYV) and relaxation teacher (BYVG), as well as director of the Yoga Vidya Ashram and Shivalaya Retreat Center in Bad Meinberg. Her own intensive practice is the source of her strong spiritual force. Her way of teaching a holistic spirituality and passing on her knowledge in her seminars and trainings is always lively, clear and meaningful for everyday life.

Tatyana Konstantinova - Tatiyana is president and founder of the Russian Yoga Federation (FRY). She has many roles within this organization, including Senior Manager, and member of the following committees: Regional Board, Trainer’s Board, Qualification’s Committee, Organizing Committee, and Methods Department. She is also the author of papers, techniques and publications of  FRY. Tatiyana has been practicing yoga for 12 years and teaching for 5. She is also a personal trainer.

Valeria S. Alikina - Valeria is a certified instructor of the Russian Yoga Federation (RYF) since 2012, chief of the regional department of the RYF in Tatarstan, member of the RYF coaching committee, member of the RYF organizing committee, permanent showmaster of The International Day of Yoga (under the aegis of the UNESCO) in the “Olympiyskiy” arena (Moscow) and a personal trainer. With a number of degrees in physiology, physical education, yoga and tourism, Valeria has participated in and coached many events ranging from yoga, fitness, and aerobics, to personal training, dance, and anatomy.

Vedamurti Dr. Olaf Schönert – Graduate in business administration, coordinator of the association’s owned Yoga Vidya Centers, experienced yoga teacher trainer, yoga teacher (BYV), meditation teacher (BYVG), systemic coach (BYVG) and psychological yoga therapist (BYAT). Vedamurti has several years of experience as a university lecturer and is also a book author.

Venkatesha Zaremba – is a popular yoga teacher (BYV) and teacher trainer. His way of teaching arduous exercises and ambitious content with love, empathy and lightness, sometimes demanding but always with humour, proves his competence and commitment.

Vladislav Fadeev - Vladislav Fadeev has been practicing yoga for 20 years, and teaching for 10. He is Vice-president of the Russian Yoga Federation (FRY), President of the Certification Committee of FRY, and President of the Board of Trainers of  FRY. He is a yoga master, the author of yoga technical methodologies and articles, a personal trainer, a master of martial arts, and a trainer of yoga instructors.